Macronutrients for Your Body Type
Some examples of foods and how they are categorized by macronutrients
People seem to struggle with how much they should be eating, and rightfully so. The health and fitness industry is inundated with fad diets and “fit-pros” that have some “new” method that has been around for ages, along with media that markets them as guarantees. The fact is, there is no scientific evidence that says a single type of diet or workout will get you the results you want and need. The body needs a constant change in stimulus and a diet that is built specifically for it. Macronutrients, or Macros, are the primary source of fuel for the body, and they are Carbohydrates (Carbs), Fatty Acids (Fats), and Protein. These three must be held in strict balance for you to manipulate your body composition.
To get an idea of how you should be eating, you first have to consider your body type. There are three primary types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph. An ectomorph has a long lean build, with typically smaller joints. They have the hardest time of the three types gaining and retaining lean muscle mass. Mesomorphs are characterized by more muscular builds, but still relatively low body fat percentages. They gain and retain muscle more easily than ectomorphs. Endomorphs are larger individuals with higher body fat percentages. These differences are clear indicators that every body’s metabolism is different, and how they use and store body fat is therefore different.
Noting the difference in body type, it is only logical that these people would all need to eat differently to get to the same goal. Below is a basic guideline of where to start based on your body type.
Ectomorph: 60% Carb, 25%Protein, 15% Fat
Mesomorph: 50% Carb, 25% Protein, 25% Fat
Endomorph: 40% Carb, 30% Protein, 30% Fat
It should be noted that in none of these instances should daily total saturated fat be greater than 10%. Percentages are given as percent of total daily calories. So based on a 2000cal/day diet, a Mesomorph would look for 1000cals in carbs, 500cals from protein, and another 500cals from fat. Carbs and Protein are both 4cals/g, while fat is 9cal/g. You can use these conversions to get the exact amount of each macro you will need for the diet you are going to follow. Determining that diet will be based on your body type and daily activity level. This activity doesn’t just include working out. If you work in a profession that requires you to be on your feet a lot, includes any heavy lifting, or requires you to do anything in constant motion, this needs to be factored in with any cardiovascular or weight training that you may be doing. The best way to figure out how many calories per day is appropriate for you is by testing your resting metabolic rate. This will provide information about how many calories are used to maintain bodily functions, and then a calculation can be made to determine how many total calories per day are appropriate for the corresponding activity level and goals you have set.
Regardless of body type or current health status, everyone should consult their doctor before beginning any new exercise or diet programs. There are micronutrient needs, medical conditions, previous injuries, etc that must all be taken into consideration before beginning a lifestyle change.